Paid for by Mike Braun for Indiana, Inc
Who is Eric Doden and Why is He So Desperate to Hide His Past?
Desperate Eric Doden has been using donations from people who received taxpayer funded benefits while he was running the Indiana Economic Development Corporation and Greater Fort Wayne to fund his campaign to hide from his liberal record, his support for Communist China, and his past shady business dealings while serving in taxpayer funded roles.
Desperate Doden is no conservative, he is a crooked pro-China RINO whose record is better suited for the Democratic primary.
Desperate Doden’s self-dealing at the Indiana Economic Development Corporation and Greater Fort Wayne raise major questions about his real motivation to run for Governor:
Desperate Doden’s record of spending taxpayer money to benefit the Chinese government and send Indiana jobs overseas shows he’s no ‘conservative’ businessman:
[1] 2012-2013, doing business, Regional Opportunities Council, misspending taxpayer dollars, Doden publicly defended, conflict of interest, financed, spent taxpayer, consultant, $150,000, Ash Brokerage, $100,000, Premier Truck Rental, $100,000, Sweetwater Sound, Scott Sorensen, John Hennessey, WTL Properties, $1 million
Eric Doden is desperate after nearly two years of running for governor and failing to get any traction or excitement behind his message. No wonder he has to resort to lies and relying on people he gave taxpayer money to in order to keep his failing campaign alive.